Readings from the Tarot

Three of Cups
Make it a point to socialize and have a good time with those around you.

The Empress (Reversed)
There is nothing wrong with embracing your femininity to show that you care.

The Hermit
Disconnect from your routine to get in touch with your inner self.

Three of Wands
Well-laid plans will lead you to fruitful adventures.

King of Pentacles
With great power comes great responsibility.

Two of Wands (Reversed)
Indecision may be worse than a bad decision.

Two of Swords
Whatever situation you may find yourself in, everything is a matter of perspective.

The Empress
Connect with your feminine energy to strengthen and balance your self.

Four of Swords
A journey to self-recovery is in your future.

Eight of Wands
Give your dreams wings to fly.

Seven of Swords
There is trickery and deception brewing. Are you the victim or the instigator?

Temperance (Reversed)
Slow down and take the time to get back on track.

Ten of Cups (Reversed)
It's time to address dysfunctional relationships.

Three of Cups (Reversed)
Open up and be brave enough to let people in.

Ace of Wands (Reversed)
Opportunities are coming your way if you don’t hold yourself back.

Six of Cups (Reversed)
Release your past fears because you are now free to move ahead.

Knight of Swords (Reversed)
Reckless behavior can come back to bite you, so avoid them today.

Six of Wands
To achieve great things, you musn’t be afraid to take the leap.

Ten of Swords
Do your best to rise above your pain.

Nine of Swords
Don’t let fear rule and overshadow your life.

Eight of Swords
Never give up on yourself because you deserve limitless joy.

Nine of Pentacles (Reversed)
Beware about seeking your desired outcome at any cost.

Two of Pentacles (Reversed)
It's time to focus and recalibrate your energy.

Queen of Pentacles
Abundance will follow a positive attitude.

Seven of Cups
Multiple opportunities await you, but you must slow down to notice them.

The Hanged Man
Remember that you are the master of your destiny.

King of Wands (Reversed)
Avoid exercising your power with arrogance and malice.

Three of Pentacles
There is momentum in your plans, urging the various parts to unite and keep going.

Four of Wands (Reversed)
You have a support system, but you must reach out and ask for the help you need.

Five of Swords (Reversed)
Choose to let go of some battles to win the ones that matter most.

Ace of Pentacles
Your dreams are within your reach, but you must put in the work to achieve them.

Ace of Wands
This is the green light you’ve been waiting for. It’s time to work on your passion project.

Five of Cups
Stop thinking negative thoughts now and focus on the positive things in life.

Five of Swords
Not all challenges need to be fought, so pick your battles today.

Nine of Pentacles
Celebrate your hard work. You deserve it!

Page of Wands
Your soaring ambitions must be grounded.

Page of Pentacles
You have been building inspiration around a new venture. Success is attainable.

Queen of Cups
Let go of fear. Trust that your inner voice will guide you to great things.

King of Swords
You must address all of your issues head-on right now.

Nine of Wands
For your own benefit, take pause and let others take the wheel.

The Magician
You have worked hard and diligently towards your goals, and it is finally starting to show!

The Wheel of Fortune
Your life is about to change in a bittersweet mix of good and bad fortune.

Three of Swords
Release your hold on anything or whoever is bringing you suffering.

Two of Cups
You are embarking on a relationship with great significance to you.

The Hierophant
Seek stability and wisdom in tradition.

Page of Wands (Reversed)
Direction and inspiration may be lacking today.

Queen of Wands
You may feel compelled to put extra time and attention into a creative project today.

Seven of Swords (Reversed)
It is necessary to be honest with yourself and others.

Six of Cups
Speak with your inner child and allow them to lead the way.

You are feeling courageous and confident today.

Ten of Cups
Things are finally fitting together like a jigsaw puzzle, and you couldn't be happier.

Eight of Pentacles
You might feel a little overwhelmed with everything you have to do today.

The Emperor
It's time for you to step into your power and assert yourself as the leader.

The Fool
You feel a strong renewed energy and are ready to start something new.

Ace of Cups (Reversed)
You are experiencing trouble and disappointment in your relationships.

Four of Cups (Reversed)
Use your solitude to reflect on your life and the changes you need to do.

Eight of Swords
You have the power to change bad situations.

Five of Pentacles (Reversed)
There’s light at the end of the tunnel.

Five of Swords
You may be experiencing some conflict in your life, whether with yourself or others.

King of Wands (Reversed)
You may have been pushing yourself too hard and need a break.

The Hermit
Take some time to reflect.

Eight of Pentacles
Blocks and setbacks are only temporary.

The Magician (Reversed)
Only trust yourself.

Ace of Cups
Stay in touch with your feelings.

The High Priestess
You have the power to create your own reality.

Two of Swords
Stop being closed off.

The Empress
Don’t be scared to ask for help.

Five of Pentacles
A change is coming.

The Emperor (Reversed)
You're in need of structure and control.

Nine of Swords
Focus on one thing at a time.

Ace of Wands
Go for what you want.

Ten of Cups
Don't get carried away in the moment.

Page of Wands
Success will be yours.

Three of Cups
You are loved and supported.

Knight of Wands
Add some excitement to your life!

Six of Swords
Leave the past behind and move on.

Queen of Wands
Learn to find balance.

Ten of Cups
How can you improve your current situation?

King of Wands
Be confident and take charge.

Seven of Cups
Be open to seeing things as they really are.

Four of Wands
You could be hosting a happy event soon.

Two of Wands
Your housing situation may change soon.

Page of Swords
Consider furthering your education and opening yourself to more knowledge.

Six of Swords
You are about to feel some well-deserved relief.

Six of Cups
Treasure the memories of your childhood.

Four of Pentacles (Reversed)
Be smart with your finances today.

Queen of Pentacles
There may be some extensive shopping for you ahead.

Seven of Wands
Keep on persevering with your health and fitness journey.

The Magician
Cryptocurrency may be key to manifesting your dreams.

Six of Pentacles
Be generous. Share any extra food or clothing that you may have today.

Eight of Wands (Reversed)
You may soon have a problem with Internet services that will cause delays.

Change and renewal await you in the New Year.

Three of Pentacles
You may benefit from trading and collaborating with others at work.

The Hermit
You may need some solitude to do some inner self-recovery.

Strength (Reversed)
Take care of your medical needs to avoid becoming weakened and worn out.

Four of Pentacles
take better control over your eating habits by starting a new diet.

Ace of Pentacles
There is a possibility of a new beginning having to do with your job or home soon.

King of Cups
Don’t let emotions rule you, but use them to show compassion to others.

Three of Wands
New opportunities are coming your way so this is the best time to have a clear vision of what you really want in your life.

The Emperor
You have innate wisdom gained through life experiences that you can use for your grounding and stability.

The Hierophant (Reversed)
Your recent rebellious behavior could damage your reputation.

Eight of Swords
You are at risk of becoming trapped if you take out loans.

Page of Cups (Reversed)
There are times when your inner child acts exactly like a child.

Two of Swords
It's time to do the right and long-overdue action towards things you've been neglecting.

Eight of Pentacles
There's nothing more empowering than giving all of your attention to your today’s work.

Three of Swords
The hurt is going to be temporary, so give yourself time to heal and to forgive.

The Chariot (Reversed)
Don't let the obstacles get you down.

The Empress
Get proper nutrition by eating the right foods.

Two of Swords (Reversed)
You are stuck between two conflicting forces that has stalled your life. It's time to start moving.

Eight of Wands
You have been through various challenges, and a tide of change is coming to sweep you into alignment.

The Wheel of Fortune (Reversed)
Whether you find yourself at the end or a new beginning depends on your point of view.

Ace of Cups
Let go of your emotional baggage so you can receive an abundance of gifts from a loving universe.