It is necessary to be honest with yourself and others.
The tarot card of the day is the reversed Seven of Swords.
Things have been feeling a bit off as of late, and you can't quite put your finger on why. It's possible that you are being deceived or tricked by someone. Alternatively, this card may indicate that you are the one who is being deceptive.
The man depicted in the card is looking over his shoulder while holding five of seven swords in his hands. The smirk on his face suggests that he's confident in his sneaking abilities, but he's not looking too comfortable.
Two more swords are stuck in the ground behind him. The yellow sky in the background is an indicator that he's well aware that what he's doing is wrong. In addition, his red boots imply that he has a fiery temper and is likely to be caught if he's not careful.
What have you been keeping hidden from others? Now is the time for you to be totally honest and candid.
This doesn't mean that you have to tell everyone your deepest, darkest secrets, but it does mean being truthful when asked directly. If you've been deceitful, now is the time to apologize and make things right.
Don't doubt your gut if you have the feeling someone is trying to deceive you. You probably know more than you realize. Once you have the facts, you can decide how to proceed.
Changing Negative Patterns
If you have a pattern of lying, cheating, or stealing, now is the time to break it. The reversed Seven of Swords suggests that you are about to be caught in your bad behavior. It's time to stop and make a change before it's too late.
While your established routines may have gotten you this far in the past, they are no longer effective. So let rid of your attachments and go on with your life. In order to make positive changes in your life, you will need to go through this challenging process.
Lies Are Being Uncovered
You'll notice that things have been unraveling lately. It may feel like everything you've been trying to keep hidden is coming to light. This natural process happens when you're ready to make a change. The Universe is helping you by revealing the truth.
The lies you were telling yourself and others are no longer working. It is now time to embrace the truth and make changes. Although this may be a difficult and even painful experience, it is essential for your growth.
You can continue living in your bubble of lies or decide to change. The choice is yours. The Universe, however, is giving you a push in the right direction.
Get Rid of the Toxicity
You may have been surrounded by dishonest, manipulative, or just plain toxic people. In this environment, you cannot possibly succeed. It's time to cut ties with these people and create some boundaries.
You need honest, supportive, and positive people in your life. You will learn and develop the most from these individuals. So, remove any negative influences and replace them with positive ones.
Even though it can be difficult, cutting ties with toxic people is necessary for your well-being. It's time to create a healthy environment for yourself, so you can thrive.
A New Beginning
The reversed Seven of Swords suggests that a new beginning is on the horizon. No more lies, no more deception. It's time for you to start fresh and be honest with yourself and others.
Today, choose to be honest with yourself or others. If you've been living a lie, decide to come clean. You are about to embark on a new journey of truth and self-discovery. Let it begin today.
Tell yourself one truth you've been hiding and ask yourself why you've been afraid to confront it. It's important to respond honestly and then give yourself time to process the feelings that occur.
Once you're ready, plan to change the pattern or behavior that's been holding you back. Everything is aligned for you to make a fresh start today.