Seek stability and wisdom in tradition.

Your tarot card for today is The Hierophant.
The traditional image on the Hierophant shows a pope or bishop seated between two pillars, with two acolytes standing behind him. It usually represents conformity, tradition, groups, and institutions.
This card indicates that you need guidance, mentorship, or direction in your life. This is the time to put all ego aside and seek wisdom, especially from your elders or those ahead of you.
This card reminds you that there is no harm in following the tried and true path and taking the classes of old; instead, following this path makes you stronger.
It shows you the importance of community, demonstrating that there are people in your life who are always willing to help when you are in need. Show credit to whom it is due by contacting people who can help you.
Take Guidance Seriously
The Hierophant is a figure of spiritual and religious authority. He is often seen as a teacher or guru, someone who can help us to understand the deeper mysteries of life.
Here is a reminder that there is strength in tradition and that we all need to take classes in guidance from time to time. If you are feeling lost or uncertain, seek out the advice of those who have been down this path before you.
This is the time to get serious about your spiritual beliefs and practices. Seeking advice from someone with more expertise is a good way to start.
This is also the time for you to conform to the expectations of others or to follow tradition. If this is not in line with your true desires, then you may need to strike out on your own and forge your own path.
You can also seek guidance and counseling as a form of treatment to help strengthen yourself.
Improve Yourself by Learning
Usually, the Hierophant is a sign that we need to learn more about something in order to fully understand it. We may need to seek out a teacher or guru or read more about a subject.
This can also mean that you have to conform to someone else's belief system, even if you don't fully agree with it. What classes can you take to learn more?
If you are currently facing a decision, the Hierophant card can indicate that you should seek advice from someone who is knowledgeable and experienced. This person can help you to see both sides of the issue and make the best decision for yourself.
If you are in a relationship, this card represents commitment, faithfulness, and stability. If you are considering marriage or a long-term relationship, this is a good sign that it will be a lasting and supportive union.
Whether or not you notice instability in your life, the Hierophant can indicate that you need certain structures in place to bring stability. This might be a good moment to establish a routine or set of guidelines.
If you feel like you are being controlled by someone in a position of authority, the Hierophant may be a sign that you need to assert your independence.
Are you considering furthering your education? This might be the time to do so. The Hierophant can represent exams, research projects, and other academic pursuits.
Look to Your Mentors
Give credit to those you respect in your life. This could be a family member, such as a parent or a grandparent. It could be an older friend or a mentor at work. Or perhaps it is a religious figure.
Whoever it is, now is the time to seek advice on the situation you are facing. Standing on your own two feet can only get you so far. Learn from those who are more experienced.
Find some time today to talk to someone whom you regard as wise. Ask them for advice in dealing with your current problem. Remember that it's not always a bad thing to conform to others' expectations, and now might be a good time to do so.