There are times when your inner child acts exactly like a child.

Your tarot card for today is the Page of Cups in reverse.
The Page of Cups stands for your inner child trying to deliver an important message to you, but the reversed card indicates his failure in doing so. This makes him feel abandoned by you, which affects your general mind-body-spirit constellation.
Although most of the time your inner child is full of wonder and pure dreams, this time, he has decided to indulge himself deeper into those dreams. This means he’ll escape into the world of imagination before you notice it, making you ignore yourself completely. However, you can‘t blame him, as this could be the result of neglecting him for quite a long time.
Take a second and think about your daily routine for the past few weeks. Do you still dedicate your free time to things that make you feel good? Are you spending enough time in nature, listening to music, or drinking coffee with your best friend? If the answer is no, then you should consider adjusting those parts of your daily life as they affect your inner peace.
Neglecting Your Inner Child
The Page of Cups represents the never-ending inspiration that comes out of your subconsciousness. Not letting your energy flow blocks these ways of expressing yourself is the reversed card‘s clear warning. It tells you that you can easily end up in lack of inspiration and motivation to work on certain parts of yourself, especially those that have to do with your emotions.
The inability to recognize your feelings could be dangerous for both your mental and physical health. Neglecting not only your inner child, but also your beliefs, hopes and dreams, could lead to a serious block of creativity.
If you don‘t find joy in things you once loved doing, each next step in life (e.g. being promoted, buying a new car, traveling to a destination of your dreams, etc.) won‘t have any deeper meaning to you. This will make your life decisions rather pointless and you‘ll soon ask yourself: What am I doing with my life?
Emotional Vulnerability
Listening to your subconscious during the busy week can be challenging. The fish that pops out of the cup represents the attempt of your subconscious side to make contact with your consciousness but, for some reason, you‘re not listening to it.
This could be due to your focus on practical things such as your job or other responsibilities you have, but it could also indicate that you fear listening to your other aspects of self. Whatever the reason, the fish is still waiting for you to answer his calls!
Denying your urge to feel, to enjoy, and to laugh leads to an unhappy life. Remember that great things happen out of an innocent game, and that every role model you have was once a child who was just brave enough to pursue his or her dreams. Whatever stops you from enjoying the little things you enjoyed as a child needs to be removed from your daily life once and for all.
It‘s funny how we tend to live in our imagination rather than facing all the obstacles that stand between us and our dreams. If you find yourself trapped in your daily routine, feeling disappointed because of your current state, the reversed Page of Cups wants you to watch out and not lose yourself in your vision of an ideal life.
Instead, he encourages you to be honest with yourself and try to find a way to reconnect with your subconscious self again. Being a fulfilled adult doesn‘t mean you should forget about your childish moments. On the contrary: Listening to your forgotten dreams and hopes you once had as a child will help you find purpose in your current stage of life again.
So what are you waiting for? Sign up for those yoga classes. Spend your next evening reading a book, listening to your favorite music, or going out for a drink with your friends. Book that flight you‘ve been thinking about for months now. And do it today, as today your inner child is calling you to reconnect with him again!