You are holding yourself hostage. Learn to let go.

The tarot card of the day is the Page of Cups Reversed.
The Page of Cups shows a man wearing a blue floral print tunic with a beret on his head. He wears a scarf and holds a cup in his right hand.
Unexpectedly, a fish emerges from the cup and turns to face the man. The fish and the sea behind him stand for the element of water and everything related to imagination, emotions, and intuition.
A reversed Page of Cups indicates a block in your creative flow. There are many projects you are interested in doing, but you may be doing them solely for the money. There is nothing wrong with working for cash, but you must enjoy what you do. This will help you rekindle your creative process.
The Page of Cups reversed may also mean that you are troubled. You may be afraid to deal with your emotions or other problems. You know that dealing with a certain issue will be challenging because you don't know what to do.
You may also be afraid of letting go of the past. The Page of Cups reversed indicates that you're having trouble letting go of old hurts. Therefore, it's essential to look at the positive side of the situation and understand why you're being drawn away from the path that leads to fulfillment. If you don't deal with the problem head-on, you risk losing control over your life.
This card often indicates that you struggle with emotions related to your relationships. For example, you may feel frustrated because someone isn't responding positively to your efforts, or maybe you've been rejected by someone important in your life. In either case, it's possible that you are avoiding dealing with the situation leading to feelings of isolation and loneliness.
Control Your Emotions
If you are having problems at work, the Page of Cups indicates that you are being unprofessional.
It's probable that your emotions are controlling you. When you have a new problem, your feelings dictate your decisions. You have to learn to channel your emotions into something positive.
If you are going through financial difficulty, you must also learn how to control your emotions. Letting yourself be influenced by your feelings will only cause you to make risky decisions.
Avoid denial about your finances because facing your financial problems is better than running away. Being in denial will only prolong the process of becoming financially independent.
The Page of Cups reversed may represent a person who is vulnerable emotionally. It is possible that you have no contact with your inner self. You may have some unresolved issues which are starting to resurface and show in your attitude.
It's also possible that you are ignoring your emotions and constantly trying to get the attention of the people around you. You have to love yourself and try to reconnect with your inner self.
Don't Be Afraid to Ask for Help
In a health context, the reversed Page of Cups indicates that you may be engaging in behaviors that could be very detrimental or harmful to your health. For example, you may be abusing drugs or alcohol or neglecting your diet.
The Page of Cups reversed may indicate that you need to seek professional help to address your situation. You may need to go into rehab.
Consider consulting with your doctor or psychiatrist, or call your local helpline. They can advise you about what steps you need to take to improve your health.
If you feel like you are struggling with addiction, it will be helpful to talk to someone about it. There are many support groups out there where people can discuss their experiences and learn how to cope with addictions.
If you don't know anyone else who is addicted, you can find online communities where others share their stories. Rehab is another way you can overcome your addiction.
Start learning how to control your emotions now. Controlling your emotions can be very crucial in decision-making.
If you think you need help, get in touch with a specialist today. Also, if you are struggling with addiction, consider talking to someone to help you regain your former self.