Your housing situation may change soon.

The tarot card of the day is the Two of Wands.
When this card appears, it suggests that you may be pondering what else the universe has for you out there. You may be questioning if whether or not you need to make a change in your life.
The Two of Wands encourages you to do what you feel like you need to do in life and not waste too much time worrying about the what-ifs.
Are you ready to move forward in life to the next level? Perhaps you've been thinking about moving away from home. Or you have already taken the first leap and are now in search of housing. The Two of Wands shows that there are big, exciting decisions on the horizon for you to make.
The Two of Wands indicates that you're moving forward in your life.
As one of life's chapters comes to an end, a new one begins. The Two of Wands knows that your life story can't only consist of one long, never-ending chapter. Some things need to come to an end so that new, better things can begin. It's all a part of life's journey.
The Two of Wands is inviting you to look at what is no longer serving you any good.
What's getting in your way?
What's holding you back?
Figure out what people or situations in your life have run their course and need letting go of. Clear them out of your life and make room what whatever is next in line to enter your life.
Thinking about moving away from home?
When the Two of Wands makes an appearance, it could be a sign that one of the situations no longer serving you any good could be your current housing situation.
It's true—there is no place like home. However, all baby birds have to leave their nest at one point in life and learn how to spread their wings.
The Two of Wands says that once you're able to leave what's known to you and what you are comfortable with, you'll be soaring in no time.
The Two of Wands also represents a possible search for housing. Maybe you've already taken the first steps towards your new chapter away from home and have begun the hunt for housing. If so, that's fantastic! The Two of Wands wants you to carefully choose your housing but not let yourself get too indecisive.
While it's crucial to pick out housing that you feel happy and comfortable with, if you wait too long to pick a permanent place, you could end up missing out!
Advice from the Two of Wands.
The Two of Wands wants nothing more than for you to make good choices while moving forward in life. As you end one chapter and begin the next one, here is something you can do to make driving decisions easier for yourself.
Figure out what you want to keep and what you want to get rid of in your life.
Sit down and write out a list of all the things, people, and situations that make you happy in life. Now do the same, but with all things, people, and conditions that stress you or make you upset.
Try to make a game of it and challenge yourself. Whatever is on your happy list, please create an effort to increase its presence in your life. Whatever isn't making you too delighted or is holding you back from progressing in life, kiss it goodbye and leave it behind in the past.
The Two of Wands says out with the old and in with the new!