Open up and be brave enough to let people in.

The tarot card of the day is the reversed Three of Cups.
Today, the universe is asking you a big question. Are you lonely? Are you willing to let go of your fears and insecurities to be free? Do you secretly want to experience more joy and love in your life?
If you are unsure what this means or don't know what to do next, then today's card will help you figure out how to move forward.
The Three of Cups reversed suggests that you have been pushing people away, and it is hurting you. You know the pain is real, but you don't understand why it hurts so much. You can only guess what they might feel and why they have acted in such a way.
You get the impression that people must be flawed, or you simply don't think they are good enough for you.
Maybe you don't believe they care about you, even though your heart tells you they love you too. And if you could see yourself from their perspective, you would realize they feel exactly as you do because you pushed them away.
Today we will dig deep into your soul to discover why you push people away. What makes you keep doing this to yourself and others? What impact does this have on those around you?
Don't Deprive Yourself of the Happiness you Deserve
Where is home for you? Everyone has their idea of what real homes should look like. If it is not the house you grew up in, it is your art studio. It is your reading corner or your gaming room.
Homes can also people. Either way, you want to ensure you're happy wherever you call home.
Maybe that's why you like being alone. Your life feels complete as long as you are happy in this little bubble you created.
But sometimes, life throws curveballs that force us outside our homes or comfort zone. This is when building relationships with other people becomes essential.
Perhaps the result is not what you are hoping for. But what if it was? You and your mom start talking again. You may have a brand new friend to binge TV with. You might even find a new idea to fix whatever problem you're having.
The Three of Cups wants you to open up and let others in. Trust that they won't hurt you. Because, deep down, you already know that they wouldn't dream of doing anything wrong to you.
Just relax and let go. Stop hiding who you are and holding back on your feelings — no more pretending everything is fine. You will be able to continue living your life if you do this. You will be more content. You will feel better. And, most importantly, you will be free.
Your Trust in People Will Be Rewarded
Your bravery, your optimism, and above all, your trust will be rewarded when you finally decide to open up more. The Three of Cups reminds you that opening up is worth it. That trusting someone means that they will never betray you. And letting people in makes you stronger.
Letting people in is an act of courage — an act of faith. And, ultimately, an act of self-love. Because once you decide to show the world who you are, you'll find that no one can ever hurt you.
The reversed Three of Cups asks you to be brave and to put yourself out there. To trust that things will work out. To believe that another person can fall in love with you. Take a chance. Take action. Do what you've been afraid to do before.
And, if you do, you will experience a great reward that will bring you joy. Happiness. Peace. Love. And, ultimately, freedom.
This card reminds you that you're too hard on yourself. You might put yourself through much more stress than you need to. So today, take a break from your everyday routine and just chill out for a while.