Use your solitude to reflect on your life and the changes you need to do.

The tarot card of the day is the reversed Four of Cups.
The Four of Cups depicts a young man sitting beside an oak tree. He seems lost in thought. Three cups lie at his side, but his attention is focused on the one cup held by a floating hand.
The four cups represent earth, air, fire, and water. The youth is surrounded by these four elements of nature, which symbolize the world around him. He has been allowed to commune with them, and they have offered him their wisdom. Yet, his body language suggests he is not interested in accepting it.
You can probably tell that this card is often interpreted as a time for reflection and contemplation. This is not necessarily bad, but it may also indicate that you spend too much time alone.
Now, imagine yourself as the man in the card. Take the offered cup, stand up, and be with the people you love.
Extreme Isolation Can Warp the Mind
Four of Cups reversed can indicate that you feel like an outsider or isolated. However, this card isn't necessarily negative; rather, it implies that you're feeling something profoundly personal and intimate.
You may be thinking about a change happening inside yourself. Perhaps you are too scared to know what others might think, so you decide to keep this change from anyone else.
However, if you choose to stay in this cocoon you have built for yourself, rather than opening your heart to someone who loves you, you'll miss out on all sorts of incredible opportunities.
You may avoid intimacy because you worry about being rejected or left behind.
You may hide behind a facade of confidence and strength because you feel weak and vulnerable. Instead, just like the man in the card, you ought to use this time as a chance to reflect on what you truly value in life.
Come Clean to Yourself
It's good that you're enjoying being alone. Being a homebody isn't a bad thing, especially if the outside doesn't interest you.
But then you realize you haven't heard from your friends for quite some time.
You're not even aware that they are celebrating a significant life milestone. That's when the feeling of guilt starts to emerge within you. Afterward, loneliness follows.
You may interpret this card as a gentle reminder of how distracted you have become. It's time to try to reconnect with others. Your friends, family, and colleagues miss you more than you know.
Those who really love you will not hold your past against you. Instead, they will eagerly accept you back with open arms.
When You Live with an Open Heart, Unexpected, Joyful Things Happen
The Four of Cups reversed signifies that you likely feel alone and disconnected from other people.
Perhaps years of staying home and pursuing online education have cut you off from genuine relationships. Of course, you can't quit online education. But at the same time, you are itching to get out more, spend more time with family, and maybe make new friends.
Trust that there is someone else out there who will love you unconditionally. The real question is, are you willing to come out of your nest and start fresh? The Four of Cups can help you figure these questions out.
Embracing change does not have to be scary. For example, many people now know a thing or two about struggling with online education because of the pandemic. While this may have been a difficult change, it now seems like a normal part of life.
The Four of Cups urge you to share your unique self with the world. You owe it to yourself to let go of your fears and embrace the changes coming your way.
Ready to rebuild your relationships? If so, scroll through your phone and find someone whose companionship you miss the most. Then, call them today and make plans to catch up soon.