Daily Devotional Messages
Anger Management
You can be angry but do not use your anger as fuel for revenge. And do not stay angry.
Anticipated Change
Through transitions and change, I will be with you every step of the way, as I have promised you.
Be Ambitious Not Thirsty
You are called to do your best to give glory to My name and not for your own advantage.
Firmly Rooted
Your faith, like a plant, grows abundantly when it is firmly planted on good soil.
Free Will
I have given you free will, but you must deal with temptation and discipline your thoughts.
Positive Interruptions
I have known the plans for you even before you were formed in your mother’s womb.
Season of Drought
I will draw rivers of living water to fill every drained, strained, and stagnant area in your life.
The Cure for Burnout
Give rest to the tired, worn out, and burned out, for your body to recover and your spirit to grow.
The Dark Den
I am your Savior, trust in Me and let My light pierce through the dark den where you are seated.
You All Need Good Advice
You are called to live wisely. Thus, it is critical for you to surround yourself with good counsel.
A Person of Significance
Choose a life of significance over success. I created you on purpose, for a purpose, and with purpose.
Beyond a Doubt
If you are doubtful and uncertain, pray. Ask boldly and believingly. I will not patronize you.
Choosing Forgiveness
Forgive others as I have forgiven you. Be gracious instead of vengeful, and I will heal your wounds.
Your Faith Pleases Me
You worry too much about having My approval when you already move in My light with your unwavering faith.
Great Faith Brings Great Rewards
Your time spent believing in Me is not for nothing—you will understand everything I am putting before you soon enough.
Your Plan Has Been Laid Out by Me
Each of My children have been sent to the earthly plane with purpose, and I guide you towards that purpose each day.
Hold Onto Hope Through Strife
Difficult periods are a part of life to help you grow, and I would never give you any battles that you cannot overcome.
Our Hope Outweighs Their Hate
You may not see how many of you there really are—but, My child, you keep hope alive for so many without realizing it.
Have You Lost Your Hope?
This difficult, emotional period is only temporary. Be gracious with yourself as you move through it.
There is No Love Like God’s
My love is irreplicable, though some may try to mimic it, and I love each of My children with an impossible power.
How Do You Love?
Love thy neighbor with everything you possibly have to give, as you would hope the same for yourself.
Life’s Heavenly Burden
It is not easy to love with your whole soul, and sometimes it is painful, but it is all a part of God’s plan.
The Longest Storms Always End
Gray rain clouds may fill the sky, but know that the sun will soon emerge to shine its Heavenly light upon you.
Prudent Wisdom is Priceless
None of My children are perfect by design, but I always guide them towards grace.
Clarity and Knowledge is Power
It is not that you are to live without sin, but rather grow from your sins into a holy being.
Holy Answers for Gray Areas
You won’t know everything all the time, but a prudent Christian can figure out problems with ease.
The Truest Love of All
Now that I have bestowed true love upon you, remember what the truest love of all is.
Prudence is Realistic
I expect you to live by My values, but I do not expect you to completely abandon reality.
Temperance is the Key to Your Faith
All of My children are strong enough to avoid temptation, but you must first accept that it will test you.
Temperance Post-Prohibition Era
Temperance is not an outdated practice, and it can elevate your experience with your faith.
More Than Patient
Though difficult at times to practice, your patience is preparing you for an eternity of peace.
The Spirit of Self-Control
I do not judge you, but I encourage temperance because it brings you closer to peace.
Fortitude in Parenthood
Your children are your greatest blessing, and it can bring you great strength to walk in fortitude for them.
God’s Fortitude
Strength resides within you, a gift from Me. Though trials come, I walk beside you, ever your guide.
See It To Believe It
Though it may seem dark now, the light is just within reach–you simply must employ your own personal power to see it.
Fortitude Above Fear
I have given you the strength to overcome any obstacles without fear, conquering anything that comes your way with dignity and Holiness.
No Revenge Like God’s Justice
See with My eyes. Truth unfolds in understanding My lessons.
Your Prayers Are Always Heard
You are never truly alone, as I am with you wherever you go.
The Real Difference Between Right and Wrong
My children, judgment is mine. Seek peace within, and forgive as I forgive you.
When Everything Stops Working
I am with you through every season of life, standing by your side even as uncertainty creeps in.
Seeking Justice
Yearn for justice as I do. While earthly laws may change, My love for the downtrodden is constant.
Dwelling in My Promises
My promises are your unshakable foundation and steadfast hope in every challenge you encounter.
You Are Victorious
Because you are My beloved child, victory is already yours, and no challenge can stand in your way.
Be My Disciple Indeed
True and deeper discipleship is cultivated by continually dwelling in and living according to My word.
Never Stop Praying
Never stop talking to Me; I'm always listening attentively, eager to hear everything you have to say.
Be Good To People
Unselfish love is the greatest gift you can give, and it has the power to transform lives.
Are You Committed to Me?
Show your commitment to Me not only through words, but by living out your dedication in all you do.
Developing Christian Fortitude
Courage is yours, but it grows with practice. Seek the Holy Spirit's guidance, and find the strength within yourself to move forward.