Sunday, 16 February 2025

Your faith, like a plant, grows abundantly when it is firmly planted on good soil.

Your faith is like a plant, it grows abundantly and increasingly when it is firmly planted on good soil. As a believer, your faith is not just what you see on the surface but goes beyond your action and thinking.

Having a firm foundation in your faith will give you the confidence to believe that no matter what opposition comes your way, you will battle through constructively with Me on your side.

Proper Care

Plants have different kinds and species, and how you take care of them varies according to what group they belong to. For the plants to grow and bear fruit, they needed proper care and attention. Similar to your faith, it needed nourishment for it to grow and bear fruit. You need Me, the Living Water to sustain and grow and increase your faith and belief.

You are no different than the farmer in any other area of life. You understand that without proper soil, nothing will grow. And if the conditions are right—good soil, plenty of sun, consistent watering, and you throw some fertilizer on it too—you will see the bearing of the fruits.

Do not be a fickle gardener of your faith. Do not lack the perseverance to nurture your faith. Be consistent in cultivating it for it to grow and mature.

Be mindful of the rocks and weeds that damage the growth of your faith. Make sure that there is nothing that impedes the growth of your roots. Once the roots become rotten, the death of the plant will follow. Always be on guard. Strengthen the roots and make sure that it is well planted on good soil—your heart. Let the light that comes from My presence serve as your sunshine.

Growing Down Deep

If you desire to grow your roots deeper, never neglect your time with Me. Feed it through prayer and devotions. I know that this may be hard on your part to be committed and disciplined in setting a dedicated time for Me, but as you ask it in prayer, I will graciously help you.

Do not let loose of your motivation to stay disciplined. Form unbreakable habits by setting a designated place where you and I can have a moment together every day. Without you noticing it, you can no longer live a day without having a meaningful conversation with Me. I will strengthen your efforts so that you will not lose your grip on Me.

You may encounter threats to ruin your roots of faith but remember, I will not let you be tempted beyond your ability. I am the One who will provide the way of escape that you may be able to endure.

Having the roots of your faith deeply seated on good soil will not make you impervious to the winds but it will help you from being toppled over by any minor breeze or storm that arises to test or try your faith.

Life will not be easy on you. Troubles will not go away. But once you are grounded in My love, you will remain steady and alert. Continue to depend on the warmth of My light and the flowing of My water, joy will surely come regardless of your season. I will never fail you.

Reflect on these words today

But grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. To him be the glory both now and to the day of eternity. Amen.

— 2 Peter 3:18

But my righteous one shall live by faith, and if he shrinks back, my soul has no pleasure in him.

— Hebrews 10:38