Friday, 05 July 2024

My love is irreplicable, though some may try to mimic it, and I love each of My children with an impossible power.

None of my children will ever feel lonely, as I am with them at all times. I am constantly in their presence, feeding them pure love wherever they go. I will never abandon any of my children, and I love them just as they are, for I have made them in my image.

Others may try to say that they can provide a stronger or deeper love, but that is false. My love is unlike anything that is found on the mortal plane because it was not created there. Instead, my love transcends anything within mortal comprehension, since it is truly unconditional.

God’s Love Never Leaves

Simply existing as yourself is enough for me to love you. It doesn’t matter how many times you mess up, or stray from my light. I am here to lift you up no matter what.

True Christians are few and far between because of how often you see people criticizing and mocking things they simply do not understand. Really, they should embrace the differences of others. Since people cannot possibly get along with everyone, you must instead focus on respecting differences.

Nobody will believe anything just because you do--so you should instead learn how to engage with different viewpoints, even those you can never agree with. Directly impacting those around you is the best, and most fun, way to keep your own personal hope alive!

Spread Love to Spread Hope

Leading with love allows hope to grow; people around you will be receptive to positive, loving energy! You can hold out hope by simply being compassionate to each other.

Nothing you do can stop me from loving you. You were made in my image— that’s the most important thing to remember. All of your ups and downs, triumphs and tribulations, each moment is part of the grand plan I have established for my children.

I never wanted you to be perfect-- Why do you think sin exists in the first place? Balance must exist for the world to move as it’s supposed to. You cannot have any up without having down, too!

You'll never be abandoned by me, even if you commit a sin that you feel like is too big for you to handle. Instead, I will push you to learn from your sins and grow from them. Everything I do, I do for you, and I just want you to be the best version of yourself possible.

Your Past is Not Your Future

Every human on earth has something that they’ve done that they aren’t proud of. Those moments are not definitive of who you are, and they certainly are not indicative of the love I have for you.

Expanding your love for yourself will help you feel my love for you.

Reflect on these words today

Do everything in love.

— 1 Corinthians 16:14

And so we know and rely on the love God has for us. God is love. Whoever lives in love lives in God, and God in them.

— 1 John 4:16