Wednesday, 15 January 2025
I have known the plans for you even before you were formed in your mother’s womb.
I have known the plans for you even before you were formed in your mother’s womb. You may feel that things are taking too long but know that nobody can stop Me from fulfilling what I have appointed you for a great purpose.
Every one of you has its own goals and desired destination. Once you have identified the desires that you want to achieve in life, you become driven and focused. Most of the time you want to get it fast and uninterrupted. But life does not work that way. Do not lose heart, for I am with you and My promise proves true.
Unplanned Detour
Interruptions are often perceived as negative. It is often seen as a bad thing because it stops you from accomplishing a task or work. But not all interruptions are bad. Divinely designed detours in your life can be a blessing when you invite Me to journey with you.
Joseph the dreamer was a favored man. He was given the gift to interpret dreams. You know this story very well. He was sold by his brothers as a slave. He was good at his job and got promoted but an unfortunate circumstance happened. His obedience to flee from sin put him into jail.
That is a perfect example of unwanted interruption. A detour that he never wanted. But he was patient and was firm on his faith. After years of painfully waiting for the fulfillment of My promise, he became the ruler of Egypt after interpreting the dreams that the Pharaoh had at his time.
You see, I have all the power to make Joseph the ruler of Egypt even without all the interruptions He had to go through. But everything that took place in his lifetime was valuable to make known of My mighty name not only for his brothers but for all the people surrounding him. It is also evident that in his obedience, I have faithfully and beautifully fulfilled the promise I have for him.
It is Meant to Happen
I know that most of the time when things get in the way of your plans, you get annoyed, disappointed, and frustrated. But I want you to know that your detours and divine interruptions are not meant to hurt you. It is to prepare you for a bigger role or sometimes to protect you from real danger and pain.
Just like how Joseph responded to the event that happened to his life, I am expecting you to respond in faith and in obedience.
To you My beloved, if you got cut off in the middle of your journey, do not lose heart. Instead, I want you to redirect your focus to Me. If you ever feel discouraged and tired, take a rest in My presence. Continue to seek My kingdom and My will, then you will never be lost.
If there’s one thing you should continue doing despite the disruption that has taken place is PRAYER. Never lose our communication - pray and read My word. Put your trust in Me. Continue to delight in My way and I will make sure that your steps will be established. Believe Me, when the time is right, I the Lord, will make it happen. Be patient in waiting.
Reflect on these words today
I know that you can do all things and that no purpose of yours can be thwarted.
— Job 42:2
The Lord is not slow to fulfill his promise as some count slowness but is patient toward you, not wishing that any should perish, but that all should reach repentance.
— 2 Peter 3:9