Saturday, 08 March 2025

Choose a life of significance over success. I created you on purpose, for a purpose, and with purpose.

I want you to live a life of significance than a life pointed to success. You are created on purpose, for a purpose, and with purpose.

Your significance is not based on your achievements or outward results but on how you help and co-labor with Me in releasing the potential of other people. When I walked on earth, I have lived a life to serve the people so that not only they will experience temporal happiness but the great joy that comes from Me.

I want you to do the same. Live a joyful and fulfilling life by unleashing the potential of the people that surrounds you.

Success is Not the Point of Life

Success is defined in terms of influence and achievement. It centered on the feeling of being respected and accepted by society. More often than not, success is self-serving and it does not have regard for others. This is something that everyone wants because of the satisfaction that it brings.

Success and happiness are inconclusive, they are open-ended concepts that are subject to one’s interpretation. Success is not bad however it also can be temporary and be dependant on your intentions.

As My follower, I want you to become a person whose worth is based on the values I have set in place. You should understand that your success is not dependent on your accomplishments but solely based on who I want you to become—a unique creation to fulfill My purpose.

It is in My heart’s desire to see you become a person of significance not only to your family and friends but to those people who are lost.

Your Driving Purpose

My purpose for your life is wonderful and precious for it will be valuable for Me and My kingdom. It is meant for you to become a person of significance. Success is part of it but with a greater purpose that matters greatly. It comes with peace and ultimate satisfaction that you can only find in My presence and guidance.

Become the person who serves people and gives hope to the hopeless. Your purpose does not mean to leave your workplace so that you can go to places to preach. Your workplace can be the perfect place for you to serve your boss, your co-workers, and other people that you work with.

You can also use social media as your platform to give hope and light not bitterness and grudges. Be a good friend who speaks life and encouraging words, building up a lost and hopeless soul. Always be there for your family and show tenderness and be forgiving just as I am merciful to you.

Please know that your purpose is not to achieve success after success and be happy. Although this is part of the rewards for delighting in My perfect will that you will reap in the process. Pure joy will come to you as you become a person of significance to give glory to My name.

Let Me tell you this, you will face challenges and troubles along the way, but if you will continue to anchor yourself to Me, My word, and My presence, you will get by every day. My grace will sustain you.

Reflect on these words today

The prospect of the righteous is joy, but the hopes of the wicked come to nothing.

— Proverbs 10:28

For you, God tested us; you refined us like silver. You brought us into prison and laid burdens on our backs. You let people ride over our heads we went through fire and water, but you brought us to a place of abundance.

— Proverbs 66:10-12