Tuesday, 21 May 2024

You won’t know everything all the time, but a prudent Christian can figure out problems with ease.

Prudence has an interesting reputation. On one hand, you’d think it would be the easiest route for a Christian to take as they conduct themselves and go about their day. On another, it has caused quite a bit of controversy as people attempt to apply prudence to modern contexts.

Most daily conversations and situations are easy to navigate under Christian principles. However, modern contexts call for a more nuanced approach, which can grow complex for Christians, especially beginners who are just starting on their path.

Correction Can Save You

Solomon is a great example of wisdom. He did not know what he should do in Leviticus when the prostitutes showed up, at least not without some additional thought. His skill set was not automatically equipped to handle the situation!

Still, Solomon’s wise intuition pushed him through; he knew that the reality of the situation might be a bit different to his physical perception. Therefore, he was prudent and applied Christian principles in difficult, trying circumstances.

Odds are, Solomon never anticipated himself getting stuck in this situation. But he had faith in everything I had taught him to this point, and he had prudence to carry him through the situation like a champion.

Sometimes, people will need a bit more clarity to guide them through nuanced situations. This clarity will ultimately make you more wise, as you can carry it through the rest of your life.

Don’t be afraid to ask questions!

Whether you are asking a question out loud to someone else, or quietly to me, you’ll receive a life-changing answer. All it takes is the courage to reach out.

Prudence is Not Foolish

Again, it’s well-known that humans are stubborn creatures. Though I discourage it, their pride gets in the way of allowing them to reach their whole potential.

Prudent Christians know how to pick their problems, which is the least foolish way to go about life imaginable. Trade-offs and difficulties will exist all throughout your life. It’s all a matter of how you navigate these situations!

Reflect on these words today

A fool spurns his father's discipline, but whoever heeds correction shows prudence.

— Proverbs 15:15

A simple man believes anything, but a prudent man gives thought to his steps.

— Proverbs 14:15