Friday, 18 October 2024

Through transitions and change, I will be with you every step of the way, as I have promised you.

Despite the transitions and anticipated change, one thing is for sure I will be with you every step of the way. I am not the kind who will lie and change My mind.

Change is constant and it is something that you will face every day in your life. Most of the time you will find it uncomfortable and scary. Nothing can be done to stop the change. But here’s one thing you can depend on, I am the Lord your God, I am the same today, yesterday, and tomorrow. I promise to stay with you all the days of your life.

Keep Moving Forward

It is common that you reminisce and yearn to go back to life that’s less complicated and fun. Especially now that it has become a part of your life to push you out of your comfort zone or transition to a life that seems overwhelming.

You may be in the season of adjusting to your new job or school, relocating to a different city, changing status or role in the family. These changes can sometimes cause you to be anxious or worried about what may happen to you. Some of the changes in your life can also trigger depression especially when it involves the loss of a loved one, job, or finances.

I want you to remember, I am your Deliverer and Redeemer. Some transitions may be too difficult for you but My promise to be your refuge and strength will never change.

The Israelites experienced the biggest transition in their lives when I moved them out from the hands of the Egyptians. They were used to having fruits and meat for lunch and dinner, and wine to drink.

During their transition to the land that I have promised, they experienced different kinds of emotions because their expectation was different from what they perceived. But, I have asked them to move in faith.

I Am in Control

Transitions can be challenging if you are not prepared for the upcoming changes in your life. Sometimes, these changes can give you a sense that everything in your life is spiraling out of control. This may put you in a state of confusion and uncertainty, creating doubt in your own abilities to move on with the journey.

Remember, you can find comfort in knowing that My presence is enough to calm every chaos brought about by the constant changes in your life. I am in control. You can find hope, refuge, and peace under My presence. Just keep your eyes focused on Me just like a hiker who is focused on their compass and destination.

If you are in the season of transition, the best way you handle this is to rely solely on Me. Seek My wisdom that I will freely give to you. Direction comes from constant prayer and reading My word. I am bringing forth the power of prayer. My word has never failed and it never will. This will allow you to gain discernment that will be essential in your decision-making.

Lastly, I encourage you to stop complaining, rather, start believing that I am in control. Don’t be like the Israelites whose disbelief and disobedience made their journey longer than it should have been. Let your faith and obedience make the transition enjoyable and fruitful.

Reflect on these words today

Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid or terrified because of them, for the Lord your God goes with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you.

— Deuteronomy 31:6

There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under the heavens:

— Ecclesiastes 3:1