Remember that your words have power and consequences.

Your tarot card for today is the Page of Swords in reverse.
On this card is a young person with a sword in hand, looking over their shoulder with a worried expression.
When reversed, the card indicates that you may have been given your freedom of speech too much leeway. You may be regretting something you said, or you may be facing the fallout from an argument.
Sometimes, we are urged to say things simply because we think it is the truth. But ask yourself, are you being critical or recounting another's shortcomings?
We have the right to speak our mind as long as we remember the responsibility that comes with it.
Now is the time to take a step back and consider what you're going to say before saying it. Is it vital? Is it considerate?
Words are like fire - they can be used to build or destroy. So choose your words carefully because the damage of those words may be irreversible.
Analyze Your Bias, Not Others'
One of the ways to deal with the challenges posed by the Page of Swords is self-examination. It's time to analyze your own beliefs and opinions, as well as the way you communicate them.
Be aware of any unconscious bias you may have. Don't lie - we all have bias. But when we're unaware of our preferences, it can lead us to say or do hurtful or offensive things.
Begin by assessing your attitudes and beliefs. What sets you off? You can get to the root of your bias by analyzing your reactions. Remember, your attitude may damage the sincerity of your message even when you say it is true to some degree.
Seeing things from a different perspective might help.
For example, one friend must think highly of you if they keep bragging about her fancy degree. Or the reason why another holds calling you to ask about the mortgage is that you are the only person they trust to talk about it.
Give Your Stress Wings and Let it Fly Away
When reversed, the Page of Swords can indicate that you feel overwhelmed and stressed, whether it’s about mortgage payments or trying to meet a client's never-ending demands.
No wonder the little things set you off, and before you realize it, something hurtful comes out of your mouth.
The Universe is telling you to lighten your load physically and emotionally. But, on the other hand, you're trying to juggle too many things at once.
If so, you need to start telling people "no." Sometimes, putting your needs first is perfectly fine.
In addition, find a creative outlet for your stress. Writing, painting, gardening - do whatever will help you express yourself and let go of some of that tension.
Another approach you can try is talking to a therapist or counselor. They can help you figure out how to deal with the things that stress you out and help you work through them.
It is no secret that you can see things better when you are not stressed. Slowly, your optimism grows.
You know the divine power will take care of your mortgage, clients, anything. So put an end to any anxiety or stress you may have about the future and let go of it. Everything will turn out okay.
Stay on Your Own Two Feet
Serving a higher purpose can be accomplished in a variety of ways. Being visible and outspoken at times is good - be the hero.
But there is also a time when it is best to step back and let others take the lead.
This may cause damage to how you perceive your self-image. It is normal. Because right now, we are focusing on healing. It would help if you had time away to heal.
We cannot unsay what we have spoken. We all make mistakes to some degree. But we can take responsibility for our words and try to make amends.
List down your triggers to exercise self-evaluation. Then, do some journaling or free-writing to understand your triggers better. When you have greater awareness, exercising control over your responses will be much simpler.