It's time to stop and evaluate your investments.

The tarot card of the day is the reversed Seven of Pentacles.
The young man pauses from his strenuous work to admire the produce and flowers in his garden. He leans on his shovel and takes in the seven pentacles that dangle from the thick, emerald foliage.
The Seven of Pentacles represents evaluation, reward, and a change of course. You need time to evaluate your progress. However, unlike the man appreciating his accomplishments, you discover little reward for your efforts. You've invested in something or someone that is not giving back.
The Seven of Pentacles represents evaluation, reward, and a change of course. You need time to evaluate your progress. However, unlike the man appreciating his accomplishments, you discover little reward for your efforts.
But you must realize that your efforts are not paying off. Can you see any results from what you have invested? Have you committed so much that you are reluctant to turn back?
Check where your money, time, love, and effort are directed. Your resources are being devoured. Pause and reconsider your position. Let clarity come to you. Soon, you will discover your true path to the rewards you deserve.
Pull Back from Your Investment
It is time to move on. The reversed Seven of Pentacles suggests you've worked hard, but you're not seeing the outcomes you want. Unfortunately, all the time, money, or effort you have put in means you are unwilling to abandon it.
You need to change your strategy and accept that what's done is done. If you push through when something is not working, you risk wasting more time and money.
Your efforts are being eaten away from the inside out. This card serves as a caution against risky investments. You might discover that investing in a "sure thing" was a waste of money.
Maybe your resources are too dispersed to gain a return. Then, this is a chance to reevaluate. Get financial or personal counseling to discover how best to adjust your position.
Expert advice may make it easier to accept it is time to quit devoting time, resources, or effort to a specific endeavor.
If your overcommitment is to a relationship, you face a difficult assessment. But the Seven of Pentacles reversed suggests you have the capacity to move on. Circumstances arise to help you step out of any situation that is not in agreement with your inner needs.
Reevaluate Your Plans
The Seven of Pentacles reversed indicates you are over-committed to something. It urges you to organize your tasks.
You feel disorganized and are unsure how to allocate your time and money. Your original plan is not turning out as you had hoped. Perhaps your investment isn't producing the profits you were hoping for.
Now you are suffering more stress than it is worth. Take a closer look at the areas absorbing the most energy, cash, and attention. Set your priorities clearly and eliminate the things that undermine your efforts.
Be blunt in your assessments and ask difficult questions. What has gone wrong? Are you responsible? How can you best extract yourself from the situation?
When you confront failure, be balanced in your evaluation. While it's not possible to be happy about a poor outcome, you can make peace with it.
Remember that mistakes always teach you something useful that you can apply later. As these lessons accumulate, your knowledge does too. This painful period forms a crucial part of your path and is necessary for your future prosperity and wisdom.
It's upsetting to let go of something you wanted to succeed. So today, take some time to create powerful affirmations that will recenter your purpose.
Talk to yourself around the idea that there are better things ahead. Consider examples of the many highly successful people with a string of failures and heartbreak behind them who did not give up.
Normalize your situation because you are simply living a human experience. This is the universe's way of pivoting you in the right direction to fulfill your true destiny.