You need to give out more to make room for incoming blessings.
The tarot card of the day is the reversed Six of Pentacles.
Unfair experiences have dampened your capacity for generosity. Financial concerns override your ability to connect with diverse people. The Six of Pentacles reversed calls for you to balance your attitude toward material possessions.
The wealthy man hands gold coins to the begging children and carries a balanced scale representing fairness and equality. He invokes a position of wealth, security, and comfort. However, these elements are reversed for you - insecurity reigns.
Drawing the Six of Pentacles in reverse highlights your material wealth and imbalances in your life. This problem results from your attitude to wealth or the pressure of others regarding money and finances.
Are you overprotective of your assets, or do you neglect their value and rashly give away money to others? Either way, the Six of Pentacles tells you this attitude or action must change.
Now is the moment to evaluate your financial situation and attachment to material things. Be cautious about whom to lend to if you expect money to be returned. Beware of business offers. Reflect on the way money affects your dealings with others.
With a focus on imbalances, your relationships are highlighted. Do you feel drained from your contributions to a relationship? Undervalued at home or work? Are you questioning your value?
The Six of Pentacles is a warning sign, but it also brings you the opportunity for heartfelt reflection. Accounting for the meaning of this symbol can allow you to find more profound harmony in your life and relationships.
Unravel Feeling of Insecurity
Underneath your attitude to money and other material possessions lies insecurity. It is affecting your interactions and perceptions of those around you. Insecurity causes feelings of mistrust, uneasiness, and worry.
You are harboring thoughts that prevent you from living your life fully and cut you off from your higher path. This negativity makes you prone to drawing the wrong people into your life. It is time to consider what is holding you hostage to material possessions.
This feeling manifests as excessively giving away your resources, including time, money, and care. Alternatively, you are clinging desperately to what belongs to you. You worry about the security of your possessions.
Yet, the universe provides you with opportunities and gifts. Why do you worry that these are limited? You must be willing to give without expectations.
Abundance abounds, avoid looking for limitations in your life. Stop drawing conditions and policies around the behavior of those close to you.
Take time to step back from the confusion and selfish nature of the material world. Retreat to your inner world of calm, knowing, and trust. Listen to the messages within and understand how thoughts of limitations undermine your wellbeing.
Evaluate Your Next Steps with Care
The meaning of the Six of Pentacles reaches beyond money. You are contending with the value of your self-worth. But evaluating your values cannot depend on outside forces.
You are drawing others' perceptions into your circle of energy and empowering them while undermining yourself. Do not tie your worth to the unreliable emotions of other people. The attitudes of your boss, lover, children, and friends are subject to varied conditions. Seek out the unconditional love of the universe and your inner being. Then outside negativity will be overcome.
When clarity arrives and you see what changes are needed to free you of limiting thoughts, take care. Do not rush into action. Be careful not to retaliate against those you feel have manipulated you or rush to compensate those you have neglected.
An opportunity has arrived where you can recognize the gifts of the universe and your mishandling of them. Removing your attention from material things and investing in your inner world will bring incredible transformative powers. The universe is calling you onto your rightful path where you are poised to reap great rewards.
Today, immerse yourself in nature. Quietly observe the magnificence, abundance, and variety of the plants, insects, and animals. Feel the vibrations of new life emerging, cells regenerating and growth occurring before your eyes. The universe is expanding and you are part of the abundance of life. Allow yourself to connect with this force and release all concerns of lack.