You are extremely attractive at this moment, and you’re drawing new opportunities towards yourself as a result!

For this luck reading, you drew the King of Wands.
The King of Wands is a handsome fellow. Surrounded by passionate red, this king sits proudly on his throne with his wand in his hand. He is looking towards the future, confidently. His eyes are on the prize, and he knows that he can get exactly what he wants, though he’s already achieved so much!
Wands in tarot are associated with the element of fire. Fire is passion, fire is excitement, but fire can also burn! It is one of the most powerful of the four elements because it can be one of the most destructive. But conversely, it can be one of the most constructive if utilized correctly.
The upright King of Wands is the king at his best. He is noble, powerful, and an amazing leader. He always does the right thing, ultimately wanting what’s best for his kingdom, even if he has a funny way of showing it.
His intense physical attractiveness draws many lucky opportunities towards him. He is like a magnet, completely capable of creating lucky circumstances whenever he needs them.
Your Magnetism is Powerful
Like the King of Wands, your magnetic presence is drawing lucky opportunities towards you. Whatever you want will fall into the palm of your hands like magic, so long as you are remembering to conduct yourself honorably. When you have as much attractiveness as the King of Wands, you can get lost in the sauce. Remain humble, and amazing things will come your way.
You may find that new suitors flock to you instantly if you’ve been searching for luck in love for a long time. You might meet someone randomly, or through a mutual friend, and the attraction feels instantaneous.
Of course, a spark of mutual attraction is not enough to uphold a lucky connection or opportunity. Nurture whatever comes your way because it has the potential to be long-term if you let it.
The King of Wands also has the power to be destructive, like the fire he is associated with. Be careful to not become too cocky, or the opportunities you’ve attracted can slip away as quickly as you fell into your lap. This king is great not just because he is physically attractive, but because he tries to lead with grace.
Follow suit, and more luck will flow to you!