Good things are just on the other side of the horizon, if you give the ships a bit more time to sail in.

For this luck reading, you drew the Three of Wands.
Good luck is on its way to you when the upright Three of Wands appears. You’ve done a great job so far at planting the right seeds to achieve your desires. Now, you just have to wait a little bit to fully reap the rewards.
You can see your ships sailing in, though they may still be a bit distant. That’s okay, you can hang onto one of your sturdy wands as you watch the currents ebb and flow. After leaving the comfort of your home, adventure is calling your name.
Sure, there may be challenges ahead, but you’ve gathered all the tools and knowledge to conquer them with ease. Dream big, because big things are exactly what’s coming towards you.
The primary challenge at hand will be leaving your comfort zone. You may have to do something you’ve never done before, and that can be scary. But, you’ve grown a lot, and you have the power to move past these fears with little to do.
Your luck and outer world are expanding before your eyes.
Be Patient While Your Blessings Trickle In
It may take some time before you see the full results of your current round of good luck. It will all come to you, but you might have to wait a moment before the full picture materializes into your physical realm.
Exercise a bit of patience while you watch your ships sail in. It can grow daunting, because they’re right there in your mind’s eye. Though you can’t quite grasp them just yet, they’re yours, and no one can take them from you.
Ease the stress of waiting by putting your mind towards other tasks. For example, you could read a book instead of staring at your phone waiting for a text. By the time you’re done reading, the text will be in your inbox.
Good things come to those who wait. The Three of Wands upright represents the final stretch. Think of this last waiting period as a blessing.
You have a bit more time to judge the weight of any obstacles or challenges before they appear before you. As a result, it’s like they aren’t even there, since you can defeat them and reach your goals more easily.
You are incredibly lucky right now.
The world is your oyster!