You must wait a bit longer before you take your next steps.

For this luck reading, you drew the Two of Wands.
Look, no one likes to wait— for anything!
Humans tend to be horribly impatient creatures who would much rather reap the benefits of instant gratification, no matter the cost, than wait for long-term results, no matter the benefit. Obviously, there is much benefit from things that may take a bit longer to arrive at your doorstep, as hard as it is to admit. But who has the time for any of that waiting?
The upright Two of Wands presents you with two potential paths to walk down, represented by the two wands lodged upright in the sand. It doesn’t tell you which is “better,” and that can absolutely add to the frustration of waiting. Yet, these important decisions you’re coming across have the power to ultimately change the course of your life forever. All you have to do is wait a little bit longer, as mentally strenuous as that may seem at this time.
The grass may not be greener on the other side, so this waiting period could be helpful in guiding you towards the better option that’s meant for you. Part of the human experience includes figuring stuff out and making some extremely difficult decisions, even if you make a few mistakes along the way.
Your luck is mostly positive when the Two of Wands appears. The only difficulty is mustering up the patience to reach your goal.
Weigh Your Options Carefully
You may be encouraged to travel at the drop of a hat. This sudden upheaval will likely lead to a breakthrough, though it could come with some discomfort. You may find that despite stagnancy, you are comfortable just where you are.
On a broader scale, you may be choosing whether you stay or go within a mentality or relationship. Your luck will vary in this case, as the outcome is purely based upon your decision.
For example, if you’re in a stagnant relationship and the Two of Wands encourages you to leave your partner, the card is signifying a period of good luck. Leaving your stale relationship broadens your horizons, allowing you to explore other options that wouldn’t be available if you stayed.
People create a lot of our own luck. In fact, we forget how much of our luck is created by ourselves and the decisions we make. It’s a roll of the dice with the Two of Wands, but you can rest assured knowing that anything you choose now will impact you for the long haul.
So, take that trip or ditch that boring partner to expand your horizons. You never know what’s out there!