A spark of passion is here to light up your world.

For this luck reading, you drew the Ace of Wands.
Everyone needs a pick me up every now and then. Sometimes, the drudge of everyday makes it difficult to find inspiration in anything at all. Still, people need passion and creativity. And sometimes, that passion is handed to us on a silver platter, igniting our minds without us having to lift a finger.
The Ace of Wands brings fresh opportunities and ideas instantaneously. The hand on the card is literally handing you the wand, giving you this fresh energy simply because you deserve it, literally appearing out of nowhere from within a cloud. The magic has been within you all along, but the Ace of Wands helps you see it in yourself.
There are rolling mountain peaks and valleys behind you in the distance. Sure, there are always going to be challenges. However, with a little perseverance, no challenge is insurmountable. You simply need to put in a bit of effort to achieve your deepest desires.
The Ace of Wands promises good luck to all who encounter it. It brings potential and encourages creativity, often manifesting into reality in the form of a bright new idea for a project. You might finally begin to write the outline for the novel you promised you’d write.
Passionate Opportunities Are Heading Your Way
You may receive news that a dream project has been approved or you’ve been enrolled in a class that will teach you a valuable skill. If you’ve been yearning for passion, new outlets will appear as if by magic. You must fully grasp onto these opportunities to reap their benefits, though.
The lucky, passionate doors opening are meant to help you grow. You will feel more motivated to achieve anything you set your mind to. It is up to you to keep the momentum going, but you’ve always had the potential within you, so that should be no problem.
Seek out any new possibile adventures that may present themselves. Hang out with new people, explore new places, and try new things.
The theme here is: NEW.
Anything new that you try has the power to positively impact the rest of your life if you have the courage to allow it. Don’t hold yourself back with fear because you never know what treasures you could be missing out on!