An abrupt, tragic ending may catch you off guard soon.

For this luck reading, you drew the Ten of Swords.
The Ten of Swords is one of the most famous images in the tarot deck. Its doom and gloom is undeniable, and there are few ways to justify the bleak imagery that is featured on the card. You simply cannot put on rose-colored glasses to minimize the reality of what the Ten of Swords brings.
This card showcases a man, on the ground, with ten swords in his back. We don’t know what he did to get to this point. Frankly, we don’t need to. All we know is that he is facing the greatest struggle of his whole life, and there is no one around to save him. To him, this is rock bottom. He has completely run out of any luck that may have carried him through to here.
The only way left to go from here is up. The worst of the struggle is over, and though it may hurt, you can still recover from these hardships. It’ll feel like pulling ten swords out of your back, individually, and slowly, but you’ll get there.
Your current string of bad luck is over. You’ve seen the worst of it, and now it’s time to heal.
You Can Live Through This
As dark as it may seem, you can still live through this and heal miraculously. Whatever swords life throws at you are completely surmountable. Think of all the other times you’ve been dealt this kind of situation—you made it out okay! Maybe not without a bit of effort, but you can make great strides in the right direction, improving your own luck with some hard work.
You may experience an abrupt breakup, friendship ending, or job loss. These kinds of severe endings knock the wind out of us, but they ultimately help us grow in the end. We can take the lessons we learned from these tragedies and alchemise them over time.
You’re going to be recovering from an intense level of pain that will require a lot of resilience to get through. Still, you will get through it, and you’ll pass this test with flying colors.
Give yourself grace during this difficult time. You may be down on your luck, but you can make it through this like you’ve made it through every other challenge to this point.