Being stuck in your own head will only cause more problems.

For this luck reading, you drew the Eight of Swords.
We’ve all been there. Anxiety is occasionally all-consuming, and it can be tough to see a way out. If you’re going through a rough patch, anxiety can make it feel like that’s all there is to life. And these periods can continue for months on end, providing little solace to the sufferer.
The upright Eight of Swords is a perfect depiction of that powerful, all-consuming anxiety. The person on the card is blindfolded, but they don’t need to see to know they’re in a sticky situation. They’re also tied up, physically unable to move from their spot. Swords surround them, leaving little room for comfort as danger awaits them at every corner.
The blindfold and physical restraints on the character on the card represent the mental turmoil of the querent. Though maybe not in their reality, they feel trapped with no visible escape. They also feel blinded to any potential positive outcomes. Everything around them is bleak, and they don’t know what to do to fix it.
There is no way around it—the upright Eight of Swords spells bad luck.
You Are Not as Trapped as You Feel
You are placing yourself in a mental prison. When was the last time you took a moment to smell the roses? Take a deep breath, ground yourself in reality, and realize that everything is not as bad as it seems at this time.
You may even be dealing with deep psychological issues that go beyond everyday anxiety. If you are experiencing any intrusive or scary thoughts, please seek help from a trusted professional! It’s not shameful or embarrassing to be suffering with your mental health. Everyone in your life would rather see you get the help you need and deserve.
This card can appear during periods of social drama. These kinds of conflicts can be extremely overwhelming, especially if you’ve kept the same core group of friends your whole life. Remember, some people are only meant to be in your life for a reason or a season. Don’t keep anyone around that’s causing you to feel like the person on the upright Eight of Swords.
You have the power to change your bad luck by taking off your blindfold at any time. The swords around you are only there to intimidate you, but you can walk right by them, unscathed!