The peaceful resolution to an ongoing conflict is within sight— you’re almost there!

For this luck reading, you drew the reversed Five of Swords.
Compared to its upright counterpart, the Five of Swords reversed is a promising beacon of hope. Few people hope to receive the Five of Swords in a luck reading, for plenty of good reasons, but it should actually be welcomed in the reversed position.
Upright, the Five of Swords is an intense conflict that could include serious situations like bullying or infidelity. Nobody on the card looks like they’ve truly won, with one character even appearing to be crying with his head in his hands. Reversed, however, we’re beginning to see the light at the end of the tunnel.
The battle isn’t completely over JUST yet! Still, you’re one step closer to winning. Things might get worse before they get better; there’s an end in sight, and you should start getting excited about it.
Your luck is improving at an incredibly fast rate. You never know how these events will unfold, but you do know that it will start to work out for you, better than expected, very soon!
The Truth is Going to Be Revealed
Risking everything can come with high reward if you are extremely cautious, but it can also cost more than it’s worth, and that’s the hard truth most of the time. Be as careful as you can beat this time, as anything you say can and will be held against you! Words and intentions are likely to get misconstrued.
Tensions are still high at this time, in the traditional Five of Swords chaotic fashion, but they are nearing their boiling point quickly.
If you are in a serious or violent situation, be weary of any potential escalation. This escalation would, of course, become the end-all of your conflict, but you want this end to come about in a much smoother way. Instead of fighting fire with even more fire, try to find a middle ground, and know when it is time to walk away from something.
Conversely, instigators may finally be held accountable for their actions after a long period of getting away with it. They cannot get away with their shenanigans for much longer, as people are starting to catch into their charade, finally!
This is good luck coming soon for those who have been wronged recently. Your abuser will be humiliated, shamed, and permanently exiled for any shared social groups! People who are engaging in criminal activity will be arrested and tried, depending on the severity of your situation. Justice prevails!