The worst part is behind you, and it’s time to heal now.

For this luck reading, you drew the reversed Three of Swords.
The Three of Swords is one of those cards that causes a physical reaction when drawn. It’s similar to the physical recoil you feel when you see an ex in a crowded room.
Reversed, however, the Three of Swords is a shining beacon of light at the end of a dark tunnel. The worst is already behind you. If you’ve suffered a bad heartbreak, you’ve seen the worst of it. There are brighter days to come, and they’re just around the corner.
It could feel like a stroke of good luck appears after experiencing nothing but fallen dominoes for months on end. As each sword is removed from your heart, wounds heal, and you begin to feel more like a whole person instead of a discombobulated, jumbled soul.
It will take awhile to heal completely, of course. All good things take time. However, the initial healing stages present themselves as lucky moments. Eye contact with a handsome stranger after you’d sworn them off forever, or finding a $20 bill on the ground at the store.
You’re Done Being Down on Your Luck
“Heartbreak feels good in a place like this” according to Nicole Kidman.
In practice, few people would agree with the Hollywood star’s famous sentiment, though there’s some truth to it. Each new heartbreak, no matter how brutal it may seem, has the power to completely change our lives for the better. It never feels that way in the moment instead being soul-crushingly devastating, but heartbreak tends to be the most powerful catalyst for growth that exists in the human experience— no matter who you are.
Sure, allow yourself a few nights spent with a pint of Ben & Jerry’s in hand and a cat on your lap, but only as a brief lapse in time until you get back on your feet! You’ll see that good luck is everywhere around you, you just have to allow yourself the space to find it.
Now, you may experience more random acts of kindness from strangers than usual. They are not out of nowhere, though they may feel like they are, and they are not out to get you, either.
People can feel each other’s energy, and people tend to be receptive to helping others in their time of need, even if help isn’t requested! Kindness isn’t a dead or lost art.
Pay attention to the way strangers are treating you right now. You may find new friends in unlikely places!