You may get blindsided by heartbreak, but you will heal.

For this luck reading, you drew the Three of Swords.
No one likes drawing the Three of Swords. It’s a lot like The Tower, where you know you’ll get it someday, but you try to avoid it at all costs. The Three of Swords is one of the least lucky cards to draw in the tarot deck.
This card is typically associated with breakups, especially due to its imagery. Three swords pierce through a large, beating heart, causing immense pain. You can’t look away from it, either. Instead, you’re left to face the heartbreak.
There is even a looming storm cloud, complete with lightning and rain to further darken the mood. No matter how hard you try, you can’t seem to escape the bad luck you’re faced with today.
The Three of Swords catches us off guard, like getting stabbed in the chest. Unfortunately, something will knock you down, leaving you feeling horribly unlucky.
Thankfully, most broken hearts have the power to heal with time. Even at our lowest, we can bring ourselves comfort, making ourselves grow stronger from these tough lessons.
Still, the velocity of the Three of Swords may knock the wind out of you. You may find out your partner is cheating on you, or they may break up with you abruptly. Or, you may lose out on a big opportunity that you thought was secured for you.
Heartbreak Can Heal Over Time
If you’ve been cheated on, betrayed, or dumped, it can feel like you’re at your last resort! Even friend-breakups are devastating to the soul, leaving you wondering if you can ever trust again, like a sad movie scene.
Of course, you can’t coast on good luck all the time, no matter who you are. Life comes at you fast, and you can’t control the actions of other people, even ones you thought you could trust.
Betrayal stings, and it stings for a long time— even years. However, don’t let yourself sit in the grief of it forever, closing yourself off to love in all its forms. Love is one of the most amazing parts of life!
Instead, use the lessons as leverage to grow from the experience you’ve had with this heartache, sting as it may. Learn what kinds of people you want to have around you, and use the failures of the past to make room for a better future avoiding the kinds of people who hurt you now.
Being down on your luck comes and goes, even if it feels like you’re getting stabbed by three swords at once, as shown on the card. Let yourself cry, eat a tub of ice cream by yourself, and confide in your closest pals. The curveballs of today may mean nothing to you tomorrow!