Miscommunication may have temporarily halted your next big breakthrough—for now

For this luck reading, you drew the Ace of Swords in reverse.
Upright, aces are glowing beacons of new beginnings. When they appear, you know something new and exciting is heading towards you. This is always welcome, especially if you’ve been praying for change for a while. The Ace of Swords upright represents breakthroughs and important communication.
Reversed, the crown on top of the sword teeters a bit, swaying in the wind, nearly falling. Your breakthrough looks more like a breakdown, which can still end up being a good thing, but now it just feels like you’re caught up in bad luck.
Any breakthroughs that may have been coming from the upright Ace of Swords have been temporarily halted. Tensions are high at this time, so tread carefully! It’s easy for misinformation to be spread and for miscommunication to lead to heavy conflict where it otherwise could have been avoided.
This bad luck spell is only temporary, but it can seriously dampen your mood. Try not to let it bring you down too bad, as this too shall pass. Focus instead on making the most out of any difficult situations that are playing out right now.
Be Careful What You Say
Miscommunication is abound when the reversed Ace of Swords appears. Already high tensions skyrocket at an alarming pace, and what could be an easy fix turns into a major nightmare.
It’s best to avoid making any major decisions at this time. If you must do something important, take time before committing to your decision. Seriously weigh the pros and cons, because grass is not always greener on the other side, so sometimes it’s best to stay where you’re at and let the tough times pass through.
You may argue with loved ones at this time. Don’t say anything you don’t mean, or it could come back to bite you in the future! Choose all your words carefully, even if you are caught up in the heat of the moment.
Dealing with legal issues and hefty contracts should also be avoided at this time. Read all the fine print, and then read it again, or you could get yourself stuck in a bad deal.
Right now, you might lack mental clarity that is necessary to make big decisions. Check in with yourself to see how you’re really doing before you proceed with anything. This moment of bad luck will pass, but you must stay on your best behavior!