You are on the brink of a major breakthrough.

For this luck reading, you drew the Ace of Swords.
The upright Ace of Swords encourages breakthroughs. You are about to have a windfall of new ideas, adventures, and projects appear in your life. It’s important that you take these opportunities as they arise.
This card’s bold imagery is indicative of the bold, promising future that it brings with it. The hand has a firm grasp on the sword, which stands tall and confident with a crown on the top of it. The crown isn’t teetering, either. It sits still, evenly, with ivy pouring down either side. There are mountain peaks below the sword, indicating ups and downs, but none of these challenges are too difficult or tall to climb.
Your luck is extremely high at this time. The new ideas that come to you are sure to lead to bright futures. You may even surprise yourself at the potential that your ideas have, exceeding your typical expectations by miles. The potency of your newfound breakthrough will also increase your confidence, promising longevity for the journey ahead.
Aces in tarot represent a fresh start. Any lessons from the previous cycle have been cleared out, allowing you to create an entirely new path for yourself to take.
New Visions Lead to Lucky Breakthroughs
You will be surprised at how your next epiphany changes your life. You may have a sudden realization or burst of creative energy that transforms your mindset, pushing you towards a goal that was presumably much farther off into the future.
The possibilities are endless for you at this time. You could find yourself at the right place at the right time, talking to a complete stranger who ends up changing the course of your life for the better. Together, you could embark on a shiny new business venture that is fruitful for everyone involved.
Those tangled up in legal matters should expect good news. The upright Ace of Swords brings good luck for signing contracts or handling court cases. If you’re beginning a new career that requires you to sign paperwork, that will go more smoothly than you are currently anticipating.
This breakthrough may also manifest in the form of an unexpected text message or email. Friends and colleagues always have you in mind, even when you aren’t suspecting it. Take advantage of anything that comes your way right now, as it is set to be incredibly lucky.