You may need to get ahold of your spending habits at this time.

For this luck reading, you drew the Ace of Pentacles in reverse.
Be careful with your wallet right now! It’s easy to splurge, and you deserve to treat yourself frequently for all your hard work. But the fine line between treating yourself and overspending.
In its upright position, the Ace of Pentacles typically indicates an amazing, new opportunity. When it appears, you can expect fresh money or a new, stable job. Reversed, however, the opposite is true. Any opportunities you are waiting on sadly aren’t meant for you at this time. And that’s okay! Something bigger and better will be on its way to you in no time.
Still, it’s tough missing out on an opportunity, especially if it’s one that you really want. Lack of planning, delays, and other inconveniences could hinder your current goals.
Thorough planning is required at this time. It’s difficult to avoid any delays or cancellations right now, but a good, solid plan can minimize their impact.
You will only go through this bad luck spell temporarily! Remind yourself that as things get frustrating, since tensions are likely high during this transitional period.
It’s Not Your Turn—Yet
Right now, you may have to sit out on something that you really wanted. This can be frustrating, since you probably feel like you are more than qualified to get the job done right. The only perspective we know perfectly is our own, and it’s important to keep that in mind at this time. If a competitor got the job you wanted, you have no idea what they might have gone through to get it.
Similarly, you could be the catalyst for a lot of your own problems. Reckless behavior might be leading to overspending, creating instability where you crave security. Check in with your spending habits at this time, and make sure your ducks are all in a row.
Conversely, everything could be fine. Have you been too worried about money lately?
If you have a stable job, it’s okay to loosen the reins a little bit at times to treat yourself. The bad luck you’re experiencing right now might simply be the result of your fears getting in the way of your abundance. If you approach money with a scarcity mindset, 9 out of 10 times, that’s what you’ll receive.
Be diligent with your resources, but don’t drive yourself mad trying to protect them right now.