The worst is over and the best is yet to come!

For this luck reading, you drew The Tower in reverse.
Nobody wants to draw the Tower, because it’s destructive nature is absolutely terrifying to most people. But nobody really ever gives credit to the Tower in the reversed position, which isn’t ideal still, but miles better than the upright Tower.
When drawn upright, the Tower looks really scary. People are falling out of windows, a whole building is tumbling down, and there’s a fire making things worse. Everything that could go wrong is going wrong, and there is no clear way to escape it. You must face the problems of the upright Tower head on, or it will simply get worse.
In the reversed position, the Tower is still destructive. A rug is still pulled out from underneath you. However, it’s a lot less gloom and doom. You’re not stuck in a dark period of bad luck for months on end with no way out.
Instead, the bad luck of the Tower reversed may manifest in more of a mental state than a physical one. It could be an intense period of internal transformation that forces you to change everything you used to believe. It still starts as an initial unlucky feeling, but it appears in your real world a bit differently than the upright Tower.
Change Your Mindset and the Rest Will Follow
The reversed Tower sometimes signifies near disaster, as though the events of the upright tower are signal blocked by a mindset shift. Your wit can get you farther than you may know, and it’s important to harness it at this time.
You may be faced with a period of intense anxiety. This could be caused by social issues or financial struggle, but you have less to worry about than the upright Tower. You probably won’t lose your car, relationship, or home under these circumstances. Instead, you may have more frequent panic attacks that cloud your judgment and lead to poor decision making.
Check in with yourself frequently at this time. Be sure that you know all the pros and cons of the choices you’re making, because they could lead to bigger problems down the line if made on a whim.
Allow the current events that are unfolding to feel less like bad luck and more like growing pains. You’ll come out of all of this unscathed, and you might even consider yourself to be stronger than you were before it all began.