Get ready to commit to something new and exciting very soon!

For this luck reading, you drew the The Hierophant.
Occasionally known as “the High Priest,” the Hierophant is the Pope of the tarot. His religious wisdom makes him a knowledgeable and reliable figure, which the Fool needs on his journey, especially at this stage. He’s still starting out, and a mentor figure like the Hierophant provides guidance that he could desperately use.
Upright, the Hierophant features a man dressed in traditional religious attire, much like the Pope. He has both hands up towards his God, one with a staff in it, and one with his fingers in a salute. His face is tranquil, focused, and ready.
This card represents tradition, like traditional values (think marriage as an institution). The Hierophant is often recognized as a religious guide, like a monk, priest, or Pope. In more modern contexts, the Hierophant is a very stubborn person who won’t shed their old skin and abandon their old, outdated values.
It’s good news if you’re dealing with an institution. Anything regarding things like school and marriage is set to go well at this time.
Generally, the Hierophant brings good luck to those who see him. Still, he’s a tough cookie, so the luck he brings is always going to be filled with a side of lessons!
Prepare for an Important Decision Today
If you’ve been looking towards completing some form of higher education, the Hierophant serves as your green light. You are destined to get accepted to your dream school or program with ease.
If you’re in a relationship, a lucky opportunity might open up that leads you to get married. Chance circumstances will arise that push you towards commitments that you may not have seen coming.
These events are typically traditional in nature, and you may find yourself conforming to a traditional societal role. Rocking the boat is ill advised at this time, and you’re being guided to stick to conventions as much as you possibly can. Of course, do not sacrifice core elements of who you are under the guise of “fitting in!”
However, you may wind up married or employed in a sector that requires you to stick to traditional values in ways you hadn’t considered. You may become a teacher or work at a school to some capacity. You may also take on a leadership role that expands your horizons!
These lucky opportunities will help you grow.