A maternal figure might provide a lucky opportunity soon!

For this luck reading, you drew the Queen of Cups.
Maternal figures are the backbone to our society. They birth us, teach us, and nurture us to become the people we are today. Mothers look differently to everyone, and each person has a different definition of what a maternal figure is. Either way, a maternal figure in your life is prominent at this time.
The Queen of Cups is beautiful! She sits proudly on her throne alongside the waterfront with her cup in her hand. Her crown sits nicely on her head, and pretty stones sit at her feet. She is tranquil, composed, and ready for whatever life has in store for her. Her emotions are in check, and she can confidently let herself lead with them.
Her nurturing demeanor extends not only to her biological children, but her whole kingdom. The grace that she uses to lead is infectious, and everyone around her admires her. She could easily draw suitors towards her, but she has found her perfect match: the King of Cups.
The magnetic forces of the upright Queen of Cups are sure to bring good luck towards you that will brighten up your life.
Let Your Emotions Take the Lead
Many adults tend to lead with our brains, rather than our hearts. We’re told that’s what’s practical, and that good luck comes from making good choices that we think long and hard about. However, a lot of the time, good luck is brought to us by allowing our emotions to take center stage. Leading with our heartspace can get us exactly where we want to be.
You may receive a text or call from a maternal figure with a chance opportunity soon. She is excited to deliver this news because she feels that you deserve the opportunity, and she’s right! Trust that your maternal figure only wants what’s best for you and is working to get you exactly that.
The opportunity may come as a surprise, especially if you haven’t talked to this person in awhile. She is always thinking of you, even if you don’t realize it, and even if you haven’t been the best at keeping in touch. She isn’t keeping score of that stuff, and she only wants to see you succeed.
Take this stroke of good luck in stride and remember to show gratitude along the way! Say your “pleases” and “thank you’s” just like you were taught growing up.