Emotional blockages may be causing you bad luck today.

For this luck reading, you drew the reversed Ace of Cups.
Emotions are powerful; they are guiding forces in our lives, directing us towards important, life-changing decisions. Some people try to run from their emotions, but you can’t run too far from them, or for too long! Instead, try to embrace everything you’re feeling, or you could get caught up in some sticky situations.
The upright Ace of Cups showcases an overflowing cup, representing emotions. While emotions are running high, they are pure and well-intended. The water is clear blue, and one could only assume that there is a bright future ahead.
Reversed, however, the Ace of Cups is a bit more finicky. You’re experiencing some bad luck, and it all begins and ends with the way you handle your emotions, even if they are heavy.
It’s easy to get caught up in what everyone else is doing, but this can cause some unpleasantness if you forget to take care of yourself first. Putting your own emotions first isn’t always selfish, it can be necessary at times.
Currently, you’re blocking yourself off from any potential good luck because you’re not letting yourself feel things to their fullest potential.
Don’t Let Heartbreak Keep You Down
Situations like unrequited love can really put a damper on you for a long time. It’s tempting to retreat and swear off love for a long time after. Try to do the opposite, though!
Opening up your heart during times of heartbreak can be extremely beneficial. You may find that the person you thought you desired didn’t align that closely with what you actually wanted. Or, you may find that you, yourself have changed.
Sometimes, the reversed Ace of Cups can signify other bad news. In severe cases, this could include pregnancy issues like miscarriages, so it’s important to check in with your doctor at this time. Otherwise, delayed celebrations or social events are also likely.
If you were invited to a party recently, don’t expect it to happen at the time or location on your invitation.
Try to keep an open mind and heart during this difficult time. Life is throwing you unlucky curveballs, but you’re strong and can move through them!
Take whatever life throws your way in stride. Remember, if whatever goes up must come down— the opposite can be true. Your reversed cup can turn itself back around with time. This won’t last forever!