The angels will provide you with protection and guidance on your path to justice.

Life Purpose Oracle Cards by Doreen Virtue
You may find that you need help with a legal situation and do not know where to turn. The angels suggest a lawyer or an attorney help guide you during this time of need.
Lawyers and attorneys helping relieve suffering
Perhaps you do not need a lawyer but were meant to be one. Other careers that this card may suggest are social worker, attorney, or police officer. The card indicates that you seek justice either in your own life or as a way of helping others.
It may also mean that you seek justice in other ways. Perhaps you are an advocate for animal rights and safety. The card indicates that you are a protector, the same way a lawyer may protect a client. Lawyers and attorneys have chosen an occupation in which they can seek justice. You can relate to that since you are always concerned with fairness and equality for all beings.
When you look around you, you can see the suffering of others. Many do not have food or safe water to drink. Others are living in conditions without proper sanitation, and some die of a preventable disease. You do not like to see this injustice, and the angels ask that you help do something about it.
Attorneys accounting for actions
It would be best to also account for your actions as you will be judged based on how you choose to live your life. When you take the high road and do what is right, there is no need for concern. If you have acted in a way that is not appropriate, you will be called on to suffer the consequences.
Remember that justice is not always transparent. Justice also comes with a degree of compassion and understanding. Even if you have acted in a way that you regret, you will be treated without bias as long as you take responsibility.
Seeking justice through lawyers
If you are looking for justice to be served, this card is a sign that judgment will be fair. If you are waiting on information from a lawyer or attorney, the knowledge you seek will soon be revealed.
You may be in a position where you need to make an important decision, and the outcome may have results that last a lifetime. Choose wisely and know that the decision may impact you as well as others around you. Choose wisely and seek guidance from the angels. Make sure that the consequences of your choices will be something that you can live with.
Justice is ultimately a search for truth and understanding. Remember that the truth can be hard to discover. Seek the answers in different places and be aware of the truth that is fair and ethical. Challenge your beliefs and seek justice for all parties – not just one.
Fairness of the attorney
The justice card means that the fairest outcome will be sought. It is important to remember that there is a difference between what is equal and what is fair. This card indicates that you are responsible for upholding what is fair and proper, even if you do not fully agree.
Justice is meant to create a balance and equilibrium that will benefit all in the end. You will have to respect the outcome of decisions that are made as they were made with fairness in mind.
Treat others with kindness and compassion, and you will receive the same in return. You will feel that balance is being restored in your life.