Your angels want you to do things like save water to help mother nature and strengthen your bond.

Angel Therapy Oracle Cards by Doreen Virtue
The angels can sense that you need a bit of encouragement. They want you to know and fulfill your life’s purpose; being there to help mother nature for the Earth's future. Your angels want you to know that helping mother nature is relatively easy. Doing simple things like preserving your resources or finding new ways to save water can make a huge difference.
The angels want you to know that you will feel rewarded in the end for your efforts, and peace will be brought to your soul.
Helping Mother Nature
Helping mother nature is a part of your life’s purpose. The angels want you to get onto the right path of following your destiny in this lifetime and do good for the Earth you live on.
Helping nurture and protect mother nature as she does you isn’t complicated either. Your Fairy angels suggest doing things like recycling more or finding the best ways to save water is a great start.
You begin to heal yourself from within when your heal what surrounds you.
How can you do things, such as save water, to fulfill your life’s purpose?
The angels guide you towards helping mother nature and making Earth a better, more healthy place to live. They want to make sure you’re on the correct path to your destiny.
Here are some ways your angels suggest you can bring yourself closer to strengthening your bond with mother nature.
Save water to protect the environment.
Your angels are encouraging you to begin to save water to help protect the environment. When you make efforts to save water, you also are helping keep it clean, pure, and plentiful for future use.
Here are some ways you can begin to save water:
- Check all your pipes and faucets to ensure there are no leaks.
- Never leave the tap running when it doesn’t need to be running.
- Install a water-saving showerhead, and only take quick 10-minute showers instead of baths.
- Water your lawn only when it’s cooler or shady to avoid the water evaporating before it’s able to soak down to the roots.
Help mother nature by recycling more.
The angels want you to know that you can help mother nature by beginning to recycle more, more often. Recycling helps keep waste levels low, which ultimately lowers the size of your carbon footprint here on Earth.
So, recycling is a great way to help keep the environment clean and healthy for mother nature to thrive.
Here are some ways you can begin to recycle more:
- Flatten all cardboard instead of throwing it into the trash.
- Start using reusable grocery bags, and recycle any ones you may end up with. They make great garbage bags for small bedroom/office garbage bins.
- Recycle all plastic bottles, milk cartons and jugs, glass bottles and jars, and metal cans from food instead of tossing them into the trash. Just be sure to give them a quick rinse to avoid unwanted odors or pests.
- Recycle all of your paper waste as well, such as newspapers, flyers, cards, etc.