Beauty can be found nearby if you stop to take a look.

Welcome to the video series that's all about climbing the ladder of vibration and manifesting the life of your dreams. I'm Stephanie Mulac, and today we're talking about appreciating the beauty and things around us.

Now, this is so important. And there are so many things around us on a daily basis that when we get in a rush, or we're going through and focusing on our day to day activities, a lot of times it's really easy to stop looking around and focusing on the beauty that's in your own backyard.

I had somebody tell me one time, "Well, yeah, I mean, I can appreciate the beauty if I get to travel and I haven't been able to travel." Well, you don't need to travel in order to find beauty in the slightest flower, or even something as simple as a card.

My daughter gave me this card and it's just a beautiful image of a place that we had been at one point in time, that even though we're not there right now, it conjures up the memory of that beauty and it conjures up good feelings and enjoyment and just positive energy that is incredible.

Those types of things are the things that are all around you if you stop and take a look at them. It can be in a greeting card store that you see a beautiful picture on the front of a card and that might be something that you want to bring home and frame or just sit on your desk. It doesn't even have to be something that someone gives to you.

So there's all types of ways that you can appreciate the beauty all around you every day. And when you do, you're going to find your spirit and your energy uplifted, and that's going to raise your vibration.

So if this is helpful to you, please give it a big thumbs up, click the like button below, and please share it with someone who also needs to be reminded of the importance of finding the beauty around them. And until next time, keep climbing that ladder of vibration.