Today, the Rose is sent to you by the

Two of Wands

The Rose in the Two of Wands

Make a major decision based on what’s in front of you, or you’ll get stuck in the past.



Two of Wands

Following the promising energy of the Ace of Wands, the Two of Wands requires you to make a decision. You’re standing at a crossroads; the choice you make now sets the tone for the foreseeable future. While the grass isn’t always greener on the other side, as we see with water literally following the grassy pasture next to the card’s main character, it is always advisable to be forward-thinking.

A healthy dose of nostalgia is good in increments, but you’ll typically see better results by taking a leap of faith. The white lily and red rose cross represents this conundrum. The lily taps into your spiritual side, while the rose suggests you should let passion in the material world take the lead. You should take the rose’s advice.

Time is of the Essence

The Two of Wands is a slow-moving card. In fact, it is one of the slowest moving in the entire deck. Some readers even describe it as a standstill, but it is actually moving, just not at the pace of the other Wands cards, particularly the Eight.

That’s because you need a second to ponder your decision before rushing forward. Think about the floral cross in the bottom left corner; it represents a literal crossroads.

However, the main character on the card is also literally holding the world in his hands. The globe often indicates travel in your future, but above all else, it symbolizes infinite possibilities.

You think that you’re choosing between two options, but you’re failing to understand the potential that this decision comes with. Therefore, definitely take your time, but not too much of it. Delaying your choice while you still have the time to make it might cause the Universe to intervene and force you into something else instead.

Let Your Heart Decide

Most people would advise you to lead with your head, but you should be opening your heart more. Odds are, your heart already knows what you want, but you’re ignoring it. Trying to make this decision with your head will only leave you unfulfilled in the end, causing you to repeat cycles later on. You can’t expect yourself to move forward without using some of the passionate energy that’s found within the red rose on the cross.

This card doesn’t typically indicate an anxious decision, but it’s usually a profound one that has the power to completely transform your life. Sometimes, the smallest choices we make have the biggest impact on our future.

You might be making this decision out of a feeling of lack. Transform your mindset; you aren’t necessarily waiting for anything, but recharging for the next stage in your journey.

Embrace New Energy

If your heart is calling you to a new destination, go towards it. The plane tickets sitting in your cart are absolutely calling your name. The Two of Wands is usually a “maybe” card since you’re being asked to make a decision, but when it’s about travel–absolutely, go for it.

Use a combination of the spiritual and mental lily energy with the passionate forward-thinking mindset of the red rose to make your decision. Give yourself a few days, maybe even just sleep on it, before you’re swayed either way. It seems that what you choose will not be able to be undone in the future, so it’s best to be a little cautious.

However, the best way to go is usually forward. The past is the past for a reason. Let certain things be brief seasons of your life.