Today, the Rose is sent to you by


The Rose in Death

You are being reborn, like a garden in the spring.




The Death tarot card has built itself quite the reputation. It is, falsely, one of the most feared cards in the whole deck. Which is fair enough; if you just saw a card titled “Death” with no other context, your first instinct might be to take it literally.

But like all the cards in the tarot deck, Death has so much imagery that contributes to a much deeper meaning. If you look closely, Death is much closer to a rebirth. That’s what you’re experiencing right now. You are being given a second chance to be made pure again, like the white rose on Death’s flag.

Unexpected Endings

You can’t predict every ending that occurs in your life. People change their minds every day; you are lucky when they give you a heads-up. That said, part of your rebirth will, unfortunately, include a painful ending.

The Death card usually indicates permanent endings, too, allowing you to completely be freed from this difficult cycle. However, even dead flowers in a garden can be replanted into something beautiful. Think of how beautiful white roses look when they’re taken care of properly.

Notice that the horse Death rides into town on is also white, symbolizing purity and hope. That means there is hope all around, even though this card is typically painted in a rather negative light. The truth is, you are going to learn more from these potent endings than you will from most other situations you encounter in life.

Thankfully, Death doesn’t come around that often; but when he does, the unexpected upheaval that he brings is enough to knock the wind out of you (hello, “kiss of Death!”). This situation will only be as heavy as you make it. You have been through other painful endings before, so this one won’t actually kill you, either.

Move Forward

The only way out is through! You may not see it right now, but this situation ending, no matter how catastrophic or uncomfortable it feels, is exactly what you needed to move forward gracefully. This ending will completely transform you, and you may not even recognize yourself after all is over with.

The worst thing you could do is resist this change. Doing so will only encourage the Universe to force you to repeat the cycle to understand its lessons. And if you do it the hard way, they’ll send roses with particularly sharp thorns so you finally get the idea.

It’s not that your life is over, just a season of it. However, like the pure, white rose on Death’s flag, the next season will be pure, with a renewed sense of life surging through you. It may take time to heal from the whole ordeal, but you’ll be so proud of yourself for doing so. Odds are, you’ve already gone through similar lessons in the past. Life tends to move in cyclical patterns, and it’s up to you when the cycle breaks.

Take Deep Breaths

While Death is a beautiful card in the tarot deck, it can bring about a lot of overwhelming shock when it appears in a reading. What you’re about to experience will be deeply uncomfortable. You need to take extra care of yourself during this time. Make sure you meditate, write in your journal, and take more time for things like your skincare routine.

Being your own best friend will push you through this rough patch after your situation ends. Check in with yourself daily to ensure you’re doing everything you can to take care of your wellbeing as you grieve this difficult ending.