It’s time to reconnect with your sense of childlike joy and whimsy. The things that used to light you up from the inside out are meant to provide something much greater for you. You may already be tapping into this energy, leaning into creative hunches instead of going against them out of self-limiting beliefs or fear.
The Page of Wands upright says that good news with amazing opportunities is coming your way. You are a lot like the character on the card; standing tall, looking at your staff with pride, and wearing an elegant robe covered with lizards, representing fire and power.
Sometimes, our seemingly smallest actions create the biggest waves. You can get far simply by being yourself, and right now you’re doing that without really thinking about it!
Though you have a tendency to jump into things impulsively without thinking about them fully, your instinctive hunches are often on point so you land on your feet (again, like a lizard) anyway. Your charisma and charm are bringing your dream opportunities to you. Each of your new ideas is like the leaves sprouting from the Page’s wand.
Let your inner child take the wheel for a moment. See where your imagination takes you, and what your inner child can do for your outer adult. The ideas you had as a kid were amazing, but they may have gotten shut down by societal expectations that adults place upon ourselves.
You are destined to live a creative, carefree life–why deny yourself what is clearly made for you? Suggesting you should settle for less than what you desire is a great disservice to yourself. You would be amazed at who is receptive to your zanier ideas and schemes!
Your aura is amazing right now, like the bright orange and red hues of fire. An orange aura is regenerative, like when a lizard sheds its skin, only to regrow something much stronger in its place. Meanwhile, a red aura is passionate, moving forward confidently without taking no for an answer. You master and embrace both of these qualities elegantly, which is what’s bringing amazing news your way!
However, it is important to note that the Page is the youngest character in the court cards. One of the more negative traits of the Pages, in any suit, is that they can be a bit immature. Avoid acting completely on impulse; sit with your ideas for a while, collecting a healthy amount of outside opinions, before you go for them.
As you wait for this upcoming text or email with the opportunity of a lifetime, you really need to take a breather. Let your hair down, show your fiery Page of Wands side, because you sure earned it. There’s a reason you usually see people take weekends off.
Relaxation is productive; remember how the lizard on the Page of Wands’ robe would lay in the sun and bathe for hours on end. While they represent fiery, passionate energy, they also know how to enter a deep state of relaxation–it’s admirable how balanced they are, really!
Take a moment to organize your thoughts before jumping into new opportunities. Keep a journal so you can write out your feelings as you experience them, allowing yourself to process them more effectively. It’s impressive how quickly your life can and will change. Using grounding exercises like journaling and meditation helps you stay in the moment without becoming overwhelmed. And of course, remember to thank the Universe for everything that comes your way!