Today, the bull is sent to you by the

Wheel of Fortune

The Bull in the Wheel of Fortune

A chance encounter is going to help you step into your personal power.



Wheel of Fortune

All of life is cyclical. Things come and go, sometimes repeating over time if lessons go unlearned. The Universe is great at making you see things that will help your overall growth. It’s up to you how you handle these situations, but sometimes you need a push in the right direction.

The Wheel of Fortune represents these cyclical changes, with energy flowing in and out of your life over time. Its stay in your life is brief but chaotic, using these lessons to put you in a more powerful state. Just like the bull on the card’s face, you are being pushed out of your comfort zone and directly into your personal power.

Expect the Unexpected

Surprises can be scary; anything that changes your daily routine is easily perceived as a threat with the wrong mindset. However, certain chance encounters prove to be the world’s best medicine over time. You’re going to run into someone, or a situation, completely unexpectedly.

The Wheel of Fortune always stays for brief periods of time, but these stays are potent. They alter the course of your life forever whether you recognize it in the moment or not. There’s no way you can prepare yourself for this, either, so it’s best to approach everything with an optimistic and open mind.

The Wheel of Fortune appears as a giant circle to represent life cycles. It is always turning, even when you aren’t looking at it. What comes up must come down; you can be at the top or bottom of the wheel depending on a number of different contributing factors. The Wheel is here to teach you that you can’t truly control anything other than your perspective.

There are lots of key symbols found within this card, but the bull is one of the most important. Imagine trying to tame a bull. The task is daunting enough to warrant films, cartoons, and more–it’s turned into a cultural phenomenon over the course of centuries.

Similarly, you cannot tame the Wheel of Fortune, nor should you want to. However, the bull’s weakness is that it can be too headstrong. Closing yourself off to potential blessings because they’re “scary” could severely hurt you in the long run.

You Are a Powerful Force

Bulls are headstrong, powerful creatures that are known for their great strength. While strong, they are also graceful. Their balance between passionate energy and elegance makes them a symbol in art, dance, and especially tarot.

You can learn a lot from the mighty bull; its persistence is unmatched, giving it the power to accomplish anything it wants. People fear it, but they also admire it. Sometimes, the bull charges towards you unexpectedly to push you out of your restrictive comfort zones.

The Mighty Bull

The bull also represents the astrological sign of Taurus. Taurus placements are known for being confident, strong–and stubborn. However, Taurus is also ruled by sensual Venus; you must know when to tap into your softer side, especially as the Universe throws some surprises your way. Softening your heart a bit will make this transitional period easier.

So, take whatever comes your way in stride. Things don’t happen “to” you but for you. Keeping this mantra in mind allows you to harness your inner bull energy. The Wheel is always turning, and you have the power to choose whether you are sitting at the top or bottom of it. This upcoming surprise may shock you but it doesn’t need to knock you off your feet. Instead, use it to ascend to a higher version of yourself!